Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015

Dindreann (NPC)

Source: Paizo
Dindreann is the high priestess of Calistria's House of Stolen Kisses, both a temple of Calistria and a brothel in the center of Quent, the capital of Motaku Isle in the Shackles. The temple is one of the best information brokerages in the Shackles as many people share their secrets with the temple's sacred prostitutes in the heat of passion. Dindreann is a friend of Quent's ruler, Tessa Fairwind.

Both Sebahel "Stingray" Sommar and Alderon have both had pleasure time in the temple and Stingray even aquired patronage of two whores in Mistress Dindreann´s brothel in Quent.

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