Die folgenden Abschnitte enthalten Auszüge aus der Golariopedia betreffend Bloodcove und des Aspis Consortiums. Die Informationen aus dem Artikel entsprechen dem Kenntnisstand der Gruppe den Sie beim Verlassen von Bloodcove hat und sollen als Erinnerungshilfe (auch für Logbücher) dienen.
Da die Gruppe bei weiten nicht alle Informationen eingeholt hat die es in der Wiki oder entsprechenden Regenlwerken zu erlesen gibt würde ich euch bitten euch auf die Auszüge zu beschränken.
Markante Punkte die von der Gruppe besucht wurden:
Da die Gruppe bei weiten nicht alle Informationen eingeholt hat die es in der Wiki oder entsprechenden Regenlwerken zu erlesen gibt würde ich euch bitten euch auf die Auszüge zu beschränken.
Die genannten Informationen über Bloodcove konnte die Gruppe durch Allgemeinwissen, Hinweise der Besatzung und Gespräche in der Taverne sowie eigene Bobachtungen sammeln.
"Bloodcove is one of the few bastions of civilization on the Fever Sea. Bloodcove borders both the trackless Fever Sea and the vast Mwangi Expanse—two huge wildernesses at the very edge of civilization. Its nearest neighbours are hardly much better. To the south there is the former Cheliaxian colony of Sargava, beset on all fronts by its former owner Cheliax, the greedy Shackles pirates who protect it and its own rebellious Mwangi population. To the north lies the pirate haven of the Shackles, an island chain filled with pirates and the remains of whatever cannibalistic society dwelt there before them. Bloodcove is truly a lone bastion of civilization.
Bloodcove is unique in appearance as the entire city is built into and around the roots and trunks of one of the gargantuan mangrove trees that are found only along the Mwangi coast. The whole city is perched atop boardwalks and scaffolding that keep it out of the Fever Sea. The name Bloodcove comes from the reddish colour of the water that pours from the Vanji River into the Fever Sea.[1]
Bloodcove is officially ruled over by just one man—The Grand Admiralty of the Fever Sea, currently Harthwik Barzoni.
The population of Bloodcove is surprisingly diverse for such an isolated community. Non-humans make up over twenty percent of Bloodcove's inhabitants. Over half the human population of Bloodcove is of the Mwangi ethnicity. "
Quelle: Golariopedia.
Markante Punkte die von der Gruppe besucht wurden:
- Handelsbüro des Aspis Consortiums
- Taverne: "The Tickling Keelhaul"
- Marktplatz
- Umbertine Arms and Armor (Händler)
- Docks/Hafen
Bekannte aber nicht besuchte Orte:
- Leuchtturm (Mupkin Lighthouse)
- Büro des Hafenvorstehers (Dockmasters Office)
- Regierungssitz der Admiralität und Gefängnis (Admiralty Militiahouse and Jail)
Das Aspis Consortium
Die Gruppe hat die folgenden Informationen vom Wirt des Tickling Keelhaul erhalten, ergänzt durch Erfahrungen im Kampf mit Agenten des Konsortiums (Bronze Schlangen wurden auf der Brust der toten Körper entdeckt) und der Aussprache mit dem Leiter des örtlichen Büros.
"The Aspis Consortium is a trade organization with interests in many parts of Avistan and Garund. What distinguishes them from other trade groups is the size of their operations, and their willingness to do whatever is necessary to accomplish their goals. While it is not unknown for merchant groups to sell weapons to both sides in a conflict, the Consortium might take it further and actually have a hand in starting the strife to begin with. This allows them to take neutral positions in any disagreements and appeal to all sides. The Consortium's emblem is that of a golden snake on a shield.
Quelle: Obsidianportal
Membership in the Consortium can be broken down into two groups: merchants and mercenaries. Merchants are the brains behind most Aspis operations.Second are the mercenaries, who provide protection for the Consortium's operations and provide guidance on military matters.
Agents of the Consortium are often distinguished by metal badges which they carry concealed on their bodies. Bronze tier agents are strictly regional players, and are made up of former soldiers, experienced merchants, or seasoned mercenaries. They are chosen for their expertise in a given field or region, and are generally unaware of their employer's larger machinations."
Quelle: Golariopedia
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