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Besmara's Sign (Copyright Paizo) |
da Ihr nun Herren eures eigenen Schiffes seid ist es nun an der Zeit für die nächsten Sitzungen sich in den Schiffskampf sowie in die Regeln zu Plunder & Infamy bei Pathfinder einzulesen. Die Regeln hierzu sind sehr umfangreich, daher wäre es gut wenn sich das mehr als nur einer aneignen könnte.
Wie genau wir dann vorgehen können wir beispielsweise von der Rollenverteilung an Board abhängig machen. Der Navigator könnte sich Beispielsweise um die Bewegung, der Master-At-Arms um die Belagerungswaffen und der Quartermaster um die Koordination der Bodentruppen kümmern. (Der Captain wiederum um eine Koordination aller Offiziere)
Die Auszüge aus den jeweiligen Regelwerken findet ihr hier: Klick!
Ausserdem ist der Schiffskampf im Skull and Shackles Spielerleitfaden bzw Players Guide enthalten.
Wichtig wäre es mir, dass ihr euch die fortgeschrittenen Regeln auf die ich verlinkt habe anschaut und nicht die Regeln für den schnellen Kampf aus dem Ultimate Combat, da die Verbesserungen die ihr kaufen könnt in den Fast-Play Regeln nicht berücksichtigt werden.
Leider gibt es die Regeln auf Deutsch noch nicht in einenm PRD, mehr zum deutschen PRD-Fanprojekt mit Unterstützung von Ulysses Spiele findet ihr aber hier.
Des weiteren wird nun ein weiterer Regelabschnitt wichtig der leider nicht im Players Guide vorhanden ist sondern nur im AP selbst zu finden ist.
Mit der Übernahme der Schiffs hat die Gruppe erstmals einen "Infamy Score" (im Deutschen AP: Ruchlosigkeit) erhalten. Dieser gilt für die Gruppe und das dazugehörige Schiff (daher findet ihr im AP auf dem Schiffsbogen dafür auch Felder um darüber Buch zu führen). Hier die Regeln:
Plunder & Infamy
acquisition of wealth and the spread of grim reputations motivate pirates to
deeds of daring and depravity. The following two subsystems present GMs with
ways to gauge and track their PCs' success at achieving what all pirates desire
most. Although the PCs' situation in "The Wormwood Mutiny" prevents
them from gaining much in the way of plunder or infamy in this adventure, their
fortunes rise considerably in future adventures.
There's a
difference between plunder and the gold pieces in a pirate's pocket. While gold
doubloons and fabulous jewelry can be plunder, pirates are rarely lucky enough
to encounter a ship with a hold full of such treasures. Typically, there are
trade goods, foodstuffs, spices, and valuables of a more mundane sort. Such takes
can fetch significant prices, but for scallywags more interested in looting
than the specifics of what they loot, this system provides a way for parties to
track their plunder without getting bogged down by lists of commonplace cargo
and their values down to the copper piece. Aside from streamlining the
collection of riches, this system also allows characters to increase their
infamy, paying off crew members and spreading their wealth with more appealing
dispensations of loot than what was aboard the last merchant ship they robbed.
Winning Plunder
What gains a
group plunder is largely decided by the GM or is noted at the relevant points
throughout the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. Typically, at any point the
PCs claim a ship's cargo, conquer an enemy's hideout, or find a significant
treasure, there's the potential for a portion (sometimes a significant portion)
of that wealth to translate into plunder. Plunder means more than five wicker
baskets, a barrel of pickled herring, three short swords, and a noble's outfit;
it's a generalization of a much larger assortment of valuable but generally
useless goods (and serves to help avoid bookkeeping on lists of random goods).
Rather, a cargo ship carrying construction timber, dyed linens, crates of
sugar, animal furs, and various other goods might equate to 4 points of
plunder. Just as when awarding more standard forms of treasure, a GM doling out
plunder should consider the challenge of winning the plunder and the actual
value of the plunder if the PCs cash it in (see below). As a rule of thumb, GMs
seeking to give the characters a minor reward might give them 1 point of
plunder, while a major reward would be 5 points of plunder.
Plunder is not meant to serve as
a replacement for more standard forms of treasure. GMs should still award
characters gold and magic items to keep them prepared to face new challenges,
whereas plunder serves as a useful shorthand for what varied mundane treasures
are discovered and can be sold for values in gold. Characters can also buy plunder
if they wish, though those who do so risk becoming known as merchants rather
than pirates.
Value of Plunder
Plunder is
valuable for two reasons: It can be sold for gold pieces, and it helps you
increase your Infamy (Infamy is further detailed below). In general, 1 point of
plunder is worth approximately 1,000 gp, whether it be for a crate full of
valuable ores or a whole cargo hold full of foodstuffs. Regardless of what the
plunder represents, getting the best price for such goods is more the domain of
merchants than pirates, and just because cargo might be worth a set amount
doesn't necessarily mean the PCs can get that much for it. Exchanging 1 point
of plunder for gold requires a PC to spend 1 full day at port and make an
applicable skill check. Regardless of how much plunder the PCs have, one PC
must spend a full day trading to exchange 1 point of plunder for gold. The PC
trading also must be the same PC to make the skill check to influence the
trade. The larger the port and the higher the skill check, the better price the
PCs can get for their plunder. At smaller ports there's little chance of
getting more than half value for plunder, unless a PC can employ a skill to
make a better deal. At larger ports, the chances of finding a buyer willing to pay
a reasonable price for cargo increases, and PCs can still employ skill checks
to make even more lucrative bargains. PCs seeking to win a higher price for
their plunder can make one of the following skill checks and apply the results
to the table below: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or any applicable Profession
skill, like Profession (merchant). A poor result on a skill check can reduce
the value of plunder. If the PCs are not satisfied with the price they are
offered for their plunder, they need not take it, but a day's worth of effort
is still expended. They can try for a better result the next day.
Community Size
Base Sale %
(GP for Plunder) |
DC to Increase Sale
Maximum Sale %
(Max DC & GP for Plunder) |
10% (100
10 + 5 per
20% (DC
20; 200 gp)
20% (200
10 + 5 per
30% (DC
20; 300 gp)
30% (300
10 + 5 per
40% (DC
20; 400 gp)
Small town
40% (400
10 + 5 per
60% (DC
30; 600 gp)
Large town
60% (600
10 + 5 per
80% (DC
30; 800 gp)
Small city
80% (800
10 + 10
per 5%
90% (DC
30; 900 gp)
Large city
90% (900
10 + 10
per 10%
120% (DC
40; 1,200 gp)
(1,000 gp)
10 + 10
per 10%
140% (DC
50; 1,400 gp)
Community Size
The size of
a community is determined by its population, noted in every community stat
Base Sale %
community is willing to buy plunder from the PCs, but not necessarily at its
full value. This column lists the percentage at which a community is willing to
buy 1 point of plunder (along with that percentage's expression in gold
DC to Increase Sale
This is the
skill check DC required to increase the sale percentage a community offers for
plunder. Every community can be convinced to offer more for plunder (to a
maximum sale percentage listed in the final column of the table), but this
requires the PCs to make a skill check. The DC of this skill check is 10 + an
amount determined by how much the PCs are trying to increase the sale
percentage. For example, if a PC is unwilling to accept a mere 20% of the value
of his group's plunder when attempting to sell it in a hamlet, he can attempt
to increase this percentage by 5% by making a DC 15 skill check. If he wants to
attempt to increase the percentage to 30% (the maximum amount the hamlet can
possibly pay), he must make a DC 20 skill check. Failure results in no
increase, and this skill check can only be made once per day. In larger
communities, the DC to increase these percentages rises, but the percentage
also increases, as does the maximum percentage buyers can be talked up to.
Maximum Sale %
This is the
highest percentage at which a community can be talked into buying 1 point of
plunder. Merchants in a community will never buy plunder for a higher price
than this. Additionally, this column lists the skill check DC required to
haggle buyers up to this percentage, and how much the percentage is worth in
gold pieces.
Spending Plunder
In addition
to its value in gold pieces, plunder is vital to increasing a pirate crew's
Infamy. See the Infamy subsystem for more details.
Buying Plunder
gold typically proves more valuable and versatile than plunder, some parties
might wish to exchange their traditional wealth for plunder. In any community,
a party can buy 1 point of plunder for 1,000 gp. What form of goods this
plunder takes is determined by the GM.
Infamy and Disrepute
Some pirates
only do what they do for the promise of wealth, being little more than brigands
of the waves. Others do it for the reputation, fearsomeness, and power that
comes with numbering among the most notorious scallywags on the seas. That's
where Infamy comes in. Numerous times over the course of their careers, the
PCs—as members of a single pirate crew—will have the opportunity to recount
their victories, boast of the treasures they've won, and spread tales of their
outrages. All of this has the potential to win the PCs Infamy, but that alone
isn't the goal. At the most basic level, infamous pirates have the potential to
press-gang unfortunates into their crews, get repairs to their ships in nearly
any port, and win discounts from merchants they'd prefer not to rob. As a crew
becomes more and more infamous, however, its legend stretches across the seas,
allowing it to garner support from other pirate lords, win more favorable
vessels, and even rally whole pirate armadas under its flag. This system allows
characters to track how their legend is growing over the course of the
campaign, along with providing them tangible rewards for building appropriately
piratical reputations.
Infamy and Disrepute
A party has
two related scores, Infamy and Disrepute. Infamy tracks how many points of
Infamy the crew has gained over its career—think of this as the sum of all the
outlandish stories and rumors about the PCs being told throughout the Shackles.
Infamy rarely, if ever, decreases, and reaching certain Infamy thresholds
provides useful benefits and allows others to be purchased using points of
Disrepute. Infamy is limited by actual skill, however, and a group's Infamy
score can never be more than 4 x the PCs' average party level.
Disrepute is a spendable
resource—a group's actual ability to cash in on its reputation. This currency
is used to purchase impositions, deeds others might not want to do for the
group, but that they perform either to curry the group's favor or to avoid its
disfavor. This score will likely fluctuate over the course of a pirate crew's
career and can go as high as the group's Infamy (but never higher), and at
times might even drop to zero. This isn't something to worry about, though, as
a low Disrepute score has no bearing on a crew's overall reputation—on the
contrary, it merely means they're making use of the benefits their status has
won them. However, it does represent that even the PCs' legend can only take
them so far, and if a group's Disrepute drops lower than the Disrepute price of
a benefit, the crew must spend time building its Disrepute back up before it
can purchase that benefit.
Winning Infamy and
A few things
are required to gain Infamy: an audience, a deed to tell about, and a flair for
storytelling. Proof of the group's deed in the form of plunder doesn't hurt
To gain Infamy, the PCs must moor
their ship at a port for 1 full day, and the PC determined by the group to be
its main storyteller must spend this time on shore carousing and boasting of
infamous deeds. This PC must make either a Bluff, Intimidate, or Perform check
to gauge the effectiveness of her recounting or embellishing. The DC of this
check is equal to 15 + twice the group's average party level (APL), and the
check is referred to as an Infamy check. If the character succeeds at this
check, the group's Infamy and Disrepute both increase by +1 (so long as neither
score is already at its maximum amount). If the result exceeds the DC by +5,
the group's Infamy and Disrepute increase by +2; if the result exceeds the DC
by +10, both scores increase by +3. The most a party's Infamy and Disrepute
scores can ever increase as a result of a single Infamy check is by 3 points.
If the PC fails the Infamy check, there is no change in her group's Infamy
score and the day has been wasted.Occasionally, deeds of exceptional daring or depravity might win a party increases to its Disrepute. This sort of discretionary bonus to Disrepute is noted in the context of an adventure or determined by the GM.
Infamy and Disrepute per
No matter
how impressionable (or drunk) the crowd, no one wants to hear the same tales
and boasts over and over again. Thus, a group can only gain a maximum of 5
points of Infamy and Disrepute from any particular port. However, this amount
resets every time a group reaches a new Infamy threshold. Thus, once a group
gains 5 points of Infamy and Disrepute in Quent, it can gain no further points
of Infamy from that port until it reaches the next Infamy threshold, though the
crew can travel to another port and gain more Infamy by boasting to a new
Plunder and Infamy
Plunder can
modify a PC's attempt to gain Infamy in two ways. Before making an Infamy check
for the day, the party can choose to spend plunder to influence the result—any
tale is more believable when it comes from someone throwing around her wealth
and buying drinks for the listeners. Every point of plunder expended adds a +2
bonus to the character's skill check to earn Infamy. The party can choose to spend
as much plunder as it wants to influence this check—even the most
leaden-tongued pirate might win fabulous renown by spending enough booty.
Additionally, if a PC fails an
Infamy check, the party can choose to spend 3 points of plunder to immediately
reroll the check. The party may only make one reroll attempt per day, and spend
the plunder even if the second attempt fails—some people just aren't impressed
no matter how much loot you throw at them.
Spending Disrepute
A group's
Disrepute can be spent to buy beneficial effects called impositions, though
some impositions might only be available in certain places— such as at port—or
might have additional costs—like forcing a prisoner to walk the plank. Spending
Disrepute to purchase an imposition requires 1 full day unless otherwise noted.
When Disrepute is spent, the group's Disrepute score decreases by the price of
the imposition, but its Infamy (and, thus, the group's Infamy threshold)
remains the same. The prices of impositions and the Infamy threshold required
to make those impositions available are detailed below.
Infamy Threshold
following benefits are available to groups that achieve the listed amount of
Title & Infamy Required
Disgraceful (10+ Infamy)
The PCs may choose one favored port. They gain a +2 bonus on all Infamy checks made at that port.
Despicable (20+ Infamy)
Once per week, the PCs can sacrifice a prisoner or crew member to immediately gain 1d3 points of Disrepute. This sacrifice is always fatal, and returning the victim to life results in the loss of 1d6 points of Disrepute.
Notorious (30+ Infamy)
The PCs may choose a second favored port. They gain a +2 bonus on all Infamy checks made at this new favored port and a +4 bonus on Infamy checks made at their first favored port.
Loathsome (40+ Infamy)
PCs gain a +5 bonus on skill checks made to sell plunder.
Vile (55+ Infamy)
The PCs may choose a third favored port. They gain a +2 bonus on all Infamy checks made at the new favored port, a +4 bonus on Infamy checks made at their second favored port, and a +6 bonus on Infamy checks made at their first favored port.
The following benefits can be purchased by groups that spend the listed amount of Disrepute and have achieved the requisite amount of Infamy. Over the course of the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path, characters might find other ways to spend their Disrepute. GMs are also encouraged to create their own impositions using the following as guidelines.
Infamy Cost Imposition Benefit
5 Captain's Orders!: As a standard action, a PC on board her ship can cast fog cloud, heroism, make whole, quench, or whispering wind with a caster level equal to her character level.
5 Walk the Plank!: The PCs may sacrifice one crew member or prisoner to grant themselves and their crew one of two bonuses: either a +2 bonus on all skill checks or a +2 bonus on attack rolls. These bonuses only apply while on board the PCs' ship and last until either the next day or when the captain leaves the ship. If a sacrificed character is returned to life, the PCs and their crew members take a Ð2 penalty on both skill checks and attack rolls for 1 day.
10 Get Up, You Dogs!: Every PC and allied character on the deck of the PCs' ship is affected as per the spell cure light wounds, as if cast by a cleric of the PCs' average party level. This imposition can only be used once per week.
5 Shiver Me Timbers!: While on board their ship, the PCs and their entire crew can reroll initiative or roll initiative in what would otherwise be a surprise round. The benefit of this imposition can be used immediately, but only once per week.
10 Besmara's Blessings!: As a standard action, a PC on board her ship can cast animate rope, control water, remove curse, remove disease, or water breathing with a caster level equal to her character level.
10 Dead Men Tell No Tales!: While on board their ship, the PCs can use this imposition to automatically confirm a threatened critical hit.
5 Honor the Code!: The PCs and their crew gain a +4 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made against other pirates for the next 24 hours.
10 Master the Winds!: As a standard action, a PC on board her ship can cast call lightning storm, control winds, mirage arcana, or telekinesis with a caster level equal to her character level.
15 Chum the Waters!: For every Infamy threshold they possess, the PCs summon 1d4 sharks into the waters surrounding their ship. These sharks are not under the PCs' control and viciously attack any creature in the water.
10 You'll Take It and Like It!: The PCs can spend up to 5 points of plunder in 1 day at 100% of its value (regardless of a community's maximum sale %). This amount cannot be adjusted by skill checks.
10 Master the Waves!: As a standard action, a PC on board her ship can cast control weather, discern location, hero's feast, or waves of exhaustion with a caster level equal to her character level.
20 The Widow's Scar!: Choose one enemy to curse. You and your crew gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against that NPC for 1 week. The enemy is aware of the curse and who cursed her, and can end the effect with a remove curse spell.
15 The Hungry Sea!: A PC aboard her ship may cast elemental swarm, storm of vengeance, or whirlwind as an 17th-level caster.
20 Dive! Dive! Dive!: The PCs' ship submerges and can travel underwater at its normal speed for up to 1 hour. During this time, the vessel is encompassed by a bubble of breathable air and takes no ill effects from the water—even most sea creatures keep their distance. The ship leaves no visible wake upon the waters above, but might be visible in particularly clear water.
25 Summon the Serpent!: One sea serpent comes to the aid of the PCs' ship. This sea monster is under the control of the PCs and serves for 10 minutes before disappearing back into the deep.
Skull & Shackles AP The Wormwood Mutiny © , Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Rob McCreary.
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