Samstag, 24. Januar 2015

Logbuch Alderon

Aufzeichnungen des Alderon vom 23.01.2015:

Bevor wir Beach Comber verlassen haben, stattete ich dem örtlichen Magier noch einen Besuch ab und deckte mich noch mit ein paar Zaubern ein.
Anschließend lichteten wir die Anker und machten uns auf den Weg diese versteckte Insel zu finden auf der sich Vakarla eine magisch begabte Halborkin aufhalten soll. Der erste Tag verlief ereignislos und wir kamen bei gutem Wetter gut voran. Carnage hatte mich gebeten etwas für ihn anzufertigen, Ich machte mich also daran jede freie Minute an dieser spannenden Arbeit zu verbringen. In der Nacht lagen wir an einer Küste vor Anker und 2 Dschungel Riesen griffen uns an. Einen konnte Addron mit seinem Gebrüll in die Flucht schlagen. Den anderen konnten wir mit vereinten Kräften niederknüppeln.

Vakarla (NPC)

Source: Paizo
Half-orc Captain Vakarla is n accomplished illusionist and the leader of a crew of barbarous half-orc reavers. Renegades from the Terwa Uplands, Vakarla and her wreckers take the perfidious and risky gamble
of preying on Shackles pirates. The wreckers sail from a nearby island in the early evening and moor their small, leaky lugger near the barren outcroppings of a reef that rise a few feet above the waterline here, returning to their island base just before dawn.

During the ambush on the Flying Spirit and the Naughty Sea Bitch Vakarla and her wreckers were only repelled by the heroic intervention of Korag, the Witch Doctor.

Vakarla was taken alive and tortured to death by Carnage, gaining all valuable information she had during the painful process. Her former crew had to watch and after given the opportunity to join their former captain misery or the PC crew, everyone of them registered to the Flying Spirit and the Naughty Sea Bitch.

Freitag, 23. Januar 2015

Logbuch des Alderon

Aufzeichnungen des Alderon:
Nachdem wir die vergangenen Tage mit der Suche nach dem versunkenen Schiff des Tengu Crewman verbracht haben konnten wir es ja schließlich auch finden. Die Beschreibungen des Tengu waren zwar nur sehr wage, dennoch konnte ich die Stelle an der das Wrack sein muß schließlich finden. Die Kapitäne und unser Kanonier Percy tauchten hinab. Wie sich herausstellte wurde das Wrack von 2 Nagas bewacht und unsere Leute konnten sich wohl zunächst nicht gegen diese durchsetzen. Der Tengu behauptete fortwährend dass sich lohnende Schätze im Wrack befinden würden. Wir mußten uns jedoch für den ersten Tag geschlagen geben und planten es am folgenden Tag nochmal zu versuchen. Unser Commodore hatte es sich in der Nacht jedoch anders überlegt und so befahl er am nächsten Morgen, dass wir hier nur Zeit verschwenden und nun unseren eigentlichen Auftrag wieder aufnehmen sollten. Was soll das?

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015

Merrill Pegsworthy (NPC)

Source: Paizo
Merrill Pegsworthy wears a blue greatcoat with golden shoulder braids, and a wooden peg leg where his left leg used to be. During boarding actions, he also wears a mithral chain shirt, and carries a mighty greatsword.

Merrill Pegsworthy has christened the Flying Spirit and supported the crew to become Free Captains.

History and Personality HERE

Dindreann (NPC)

Source: Paizo
Dindreann is the high priestess of Calistria's House of Stolen Kisses, both a temple of Calistria and a brothel in the center of Quent, the capital of Motaku Isle in the Shackles. The temple is one of the best information brokerages in the Shackles as many people share their secrets with the temple's sacred prostitutes in the heat of passion. Dindreann is a friend of Quent's ruler, Tessa Fairwind.

Both Sebahel "Stingray" Sommar and Alderon have both had pleasure time in the temple and Stingray even aquired patronage of two whores in Mistress Dindreann´s brothel in Quent.

Rickety Hake (NPC)

Source: Paizo
Rickety's Squibs is a village at the mouth of a nameless river on the Slithering Coast in the Shackles's mainland. The village is concealed from passing ships by a protruding headland and is difficult to find if one doesn't know where to look. Rickety’s Squibs refits and modifies the lines and profiles of ships providing a new identity for a price. These rebuilt vessels are referred to as “squibs.” Its facilities are hidden within the jungle. Rickety’s Squibs is run by old Rickety Hake, a retired pirate and former mate of the Bearded Whore, captained by Ella Gurnett who was killed at the battle of Nolis Point.

The Flying Spirit was squibbed by Rickety Hake.

Agasta Smythee (NPC)

Source: Paizo
Tidewater Rock is a fortified tower over 70 feet tall built on the rocky shore of Windward Isle. It is made of sturdy masonry walls atop a 10-foot-high stone base, filled with packed dirt. A stone stair rises to the heavy front door. Tidewater Rock sits right on the lagoon's edge and commands a good view of almost the entire island. At high tide, the water rises almost to the height of its stone base. The current owner of the Rock is Agasta Smythee, widow of the pirate Iron Bert Smythee.

Agasta Smythee is married to the Flying Spirits Free Captain Addron Russale.

Montag, 19. Januar 2015

Gunners (NPC)

Source: Wizkids

The common gunners are accountable for the ship's guns and ammunition. This includes sifting the gunpowder, to keep it dry and prevent it from separating; making certain that the cannon balls are free of rust, and that all weapons are in good repair. A knowledgeable gunner is essential to the crew's safety and effective use of the ship’s cannons and, most importantly, can anticipate the wishes of his commanders.

Riggers & Swabs (NPC)

Source: Wizkids
The common sailor, who is the foundation of the ship’s operation, needs to know the rigging and the sails. He needs to understand how to maneuver the ship and how to sail under different wind conditions. A good sailor can discern weather patterns, read the stars, and, most importantly, can anticipate the wishes of his commanders.

Samstag, 17. Januar 2015

Riaris Krine (NPC)

Source: Paizo
Master Gunner of the Wormwood

Peppery Longfarthing (NPC)

Source: Paizo
The Wormwood's Sailing Master and Sorceress keeps to herself and doesn't interact with the crew (even other Officers) apart from Captain Harrigan. She spends most of her time in her study, near Captain Harrigan’s quarters.
She is a tall, thin pretty human woman in a wide hat and long cloak.

Pirate Punishment

Pirate Punishments

Punishment is executed by the ships Master of arms, Crimson Cogward for the Flying Spirit and Carnage for the Naughty Sea Bitch.

To maintain the obedience and effectiveness of their crews, most captains enforce strict schedules and shipboard laws upon their vessels, all maintained by the swift dispensation of brutal punishments. The following presents (in order of severity) the game effects of a variety of typical nautical punishments, which the PCs have the potential to face or inflict during their piratical careers. Most of these sentences are meted out just before the evening meal, at an event typically referred to as the bloody hour. Victims are tied to the whipping post on the main deck and their backs stripped for punishment—with penalties doubled for those who resist. Although the victim is bound, the punishers simply lash their victims, and are not allowed a full-round action to make a coup-de-grace. A roll of 1 on such an attack is treated as a non-damaging fumble that still counts as a strike, much to the amusement of the crew.

Freitag, 16. Januar 2015

XP Stand 10.01.2015

XP/Infamy/Disrepute Table

59.770,00 Sebahel Sommar (8th)
56.173,33 Addron Russale (8th)
54.279,17 Percey (8th)
47.761,67 Carnage (7th)
45.748,33 Alderon (7th)
43.075,00 Korag (7th)

Infamy: 21
Disrepute: 16

Tessa Fairwind (NPC)

Source: Paizo
    Tessa Fairwind, governor of Quent, captains the sloop of-war "Luck of the Draw". She commands one of the largest fleets in the Shackles and is known for her greed. Despite Fairwind’s status, it’s never enough, and she craves fame, often leading her crew on reckless raids that seem doomed to fail, but always succeed. Most expect her to be the next to wear the Hurricane Crown, though whether her ascension will be by force or popular acclaim is anyone’s guess.
    Upon their meeting in Port Peril Tessa Fairwind had an intimate night with Carnage showing him the skills of a Calistria devotee with great enthusiasm.

    Pathfinder Pirate Slang

    Source: Paizo, Pirates of the Inner Sea

    • Adrift: Floating loose at sea. Can also mean someone who has run away or gone missing.
    • Anchor: A person who wears heavy metal armor.
    • Besmara’s Fingers: A-cat-o’-nine-tails.
    • Binnacle: A glass-topped box fixed to a stand on the deck. The binnacle houses a compass.
    • Bubbles: A person who can’t swim.

    Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2015

    The Pirate Crew

    Source: Pirates ARRR Us!

    here is a defined hierarchy on board of a pirate ship, which follows the most important functions. This hierarchy is not geared towards who has more say on board, but what the chain of command is in any particular situation.

    A ship’s crew must work together in careful synchronization to maneuver a large sailing vessel while tacking or wearing the vessel, or while docking or weighing anchor. A capable crew is critical during battle maneuvers, when the exact position of a ship makes all the difference.

    Naval Terms: Learn how to talk like a pirate and learn the various shipping terminology

    Source: Pirates ARRR Us!

    • Abeam: At right angles to, or beside, the boat.
    • Aboard: On or in the boat or ship.
    • Above Board: Above decks, also meaning to be out in the open, visible to all; honest, straight forward.